TOEFL IBT Test Practice Online Free
TOEFL IBT Practice Online - Complete Practice Test Free
The fastest and most effective way to prepare for the TOEFL IBT exam is to study practice tests based on questions and answers from actual exams. This method allows you to pass the real TOEFL IBT Certification Exam on the official website spending the minimum amount of time.

Steps for passing the TOEFL IBT Exam:
Register online at
Get full access to the database of questions and answers by paying for online access
Explore the maximum number of questions and answers from real exams
Pass the actual TOEFL IBT Exam on the official website
TOEFL IBT Practice Test Free Online is the most complete set of questions and answers from real exams. These questions have been collected from all available sources or provided by users who had already passed the exam. For instance, after passing the actual exam, users share the real question and the possible answers that they encountered during the test.
For all modules (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) of the practice exam, we collected and processed the maximum number of unique questions and answers offered in the TOEFL iBT exams. Just one month of learning the TOEFL IBT practice tests will allow you to pass the certification exam on the first try.
We offer real practice questions to study from the TOEFL IBT certification exam, which can be provided with an online certification.
All practice test questions are proposed with accurate answers. If you think that the answer is incorrect, please contact technical support here or leave your comment below the question-answer.
The exam includes several modules:
Listening – In this section, you listen to dialogue. Then you receive questions and their subsequent answers.
The best-suited module to prepare for the TOEFL IBT Listening Exam is:
- Online TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test with Answer
- Online TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test Free with Answers
Reading – In this section of the exam, the text is read then questions answered, according to the text.
To prepare for the TOEFL IBT Reading section, we have available:
- Online TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test with Answers
- Free Online TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test with Answers
Writing – In this section of the exam, a short essay is written on a specified topic. It is required to write critical material according to the reading comprehension and/or listening recordings.
The best-suited module to prepare for the TOEFL IBT Writing section is:
- Online TOEFL IBT Writing Practice Test with Answers
- TOEFL IBT Writing Practice Test Free Online
Speaking – In this section of the exam, oral speech, is tested. You must answer questions of varying complexity or express your opinion about the situation and competently support your answer.
To prepare for TOEFL IBT Speaking section suits:
- Online TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice Questions with Answers
- TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice Tests Free Online with Answers
Realistic TOEFL iBT Practice
Benefits of practice tests:
- Practice tests familiarize as closely as possible the person taking the exam with the materials from the actual TOEFL IBT Exam.
- Practice tests allow you to prepare independently for passing the real TOEFL iBT Exam in a minimum amount of time.
- Unlike online or offline English courses, video courses, practice manuals, and self-study materials, information from real exams are provided here most conveniently and understandably.
- The TOEFL iBT sample test on our website gives you the best understanding of how an authentic certification exam works.
- Practice tests save a lot of time in preparation to pass the real TOEFL IBT exam.
- Specific and uncommon words from the tests are placed in a separate TOEFL iBT vocabulary section for easier memorization.
TOEFL IBT Practice Exam
Are you ready for the TOEFL IBT? Test your strengths with the TOEFL IBT practice exam. It is convenient to use the TOEFL IBT real exam simulator to check the current level of preparation.

It also allows you to evaluate your current level of preparation for the exam and to know whether you can do the real exam or not
TOEFL iBT practice tests free with timekeeping are as close as possible to the TOEFL IBT certification exam. After passing the TOEFL IBT test, the user will check their answers with the correct ones. A trial test allows you to identify the weaknesses of students and adjust the learning process.
TOEFL IBT Practice Tests Online
TOEFL IBT practice tests are available:

from any device:
phone, tablet, computer or TV

with all operating systems:
Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, iOS, and others
Many people who are fluent in English are sure that they will easily pass the TOEFL IBT. However, reality proves the fallacy of such judgments. Even though the TOEFL IBT exam is not very difficult, there are many nuances that you should be aware of before actually passing the exam. Otherwise, you will waste several hundred US dollars.
Practice, practice, and more practice on real questions and answers. TOEFL IBT Tutor will help you pass the exam on autopilot. People who have passed the TOEFL IBT test have previously shared questions from real exams here.
TOEFL IBT Vocabulary Practice
Before taking the real TOEFL IBT exam, it is essential to supplement your vocabulary with specific words that can be used in the academic and professional environment. These words are also often used in TOEFL IBT Exams.
TOEFL IBT practice tests are suitable for preparing for all exam versions:
- Internet test
(iBT TOEFL IBT - Internet-Based test) - Computer test
(CBT TOEFL IBT - computer-based test) - Paper test
(PBT TOEFL IBT - paper-based test)
- Users can get FREE FULL ACCESS to the TOEFL IBT or TOEFL IBT Practice Test Database if they provide the community with at least one unique question from the real IELTS or TOEFL IBT Exam. Just fill out the form here:
- Users can leave comments on any question and answer in the TOEFL IBT Practice Exam Database. To add comments, you need to register. Comments are moderated, and this improves the quality of our TOEFL IBT Practice Test base.
- Any unregistered user can get free access to the free TOEFL IBT Practice Test. The difference between the free TOEFL IBT Practice Test online and the paid one is the reduced number of questions and answers in the test and the limited set of available tests.
- TOEFL IBT Dictionary is available only for registered users.
- The TOEFL iBT, Free Practice Test, is offered with answers and explanations if necessary.
- TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test with answers and audio requires the computer device (PC, laptop, tablet, or phone) to have dynamics. It is also required to provide browser permission to use audio playback devices.
- All TOEFL IBT practice material from our database is available online only.
- We do not have training videos or printed materials in the form of PDF files.
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